Quite amazing for me to see you cite the Kahneman book that has been a touchstone regarding so many aspects of my cognitive life, audio included. Critical listening has to involve slow thinking. And some music, at least occasionally, other than Diana Krall and Dire Straits...
I’m a self proclaimed audiophile myself (and musician), but…
I swear these fields went down the crapper in the last years. People have more money to spend and the more money they spend the more knowledgeable they think they are, to a point where they’re not going to hear reason. They’ll equate cost to quality and marketing to science.
I’m guilty of some of it myself, but I’d like to draw a line at one point. Diminishing returns really are a thing, as are room acoustics. A €2000 cable will not fix a poor room.
I could be wrong but I believe it's you who's been mixing it up with the owner and some frequent posters over at the Audiophile Style web site. If so, I'm very pleased (I'd say "proud" but it sounds patronizing....) with what you had to say and how you handled yourself generally. AS has good features and bad but they epitomize what's wrong with online communities of any kind, and audio sites specifically. The zealots on these sites—they can have 1000s of posts each—are focused on who's on their team and who isn't and that's what determines how you're treated—respectfully, scornfully, acusingly, inconsiderately...The list goes on.
For the record: Yes, that was a racist remark and a few honorable rang into object. They were ignored by the ruling claque.
All by way of saying: I hope that visitors here are enthusiasts and not zealots. I know you're among the first-mentioned group.....
Hi Andrew, I think it's someone else, I am not a member of AS. I never liked that community, it is one of the few audio sites that I am not a member of, and -- given your current comment -- looks like that was a good decision.
My mistake, Bhaskar. The poor guy that innocently engaged with AS calls himself Audio_phool and is based in India. I'm very glad it's not you - yes, your judgement was spot-on. Because the fraternity of audiophiles isn't that large, we sometimes do take chances, in terms of reaching out to people and communities we don't know. Sometimes you get burned. My 30 years in the "industry"—I started writing for TAS in 1995—is a gift. I've met many audiophiles I like and trust and new connections are, I guess what you call vetted. But I still occasionally take a chance, as I did when I started following you. Sometimes it works out.
Interesting considerations re: connectivity in a modern world. So different from my own as a young person. And unimaginably different from the experience of my parents and grandparents.
Beautifully written stuff - I'm a fan, Bhaskar.
Quite amazing for me to see you cite the Kahneman book that has been a touchstone regarding so many aspects of my cognitive life, audio included. Critical listening has to involve slow thinking. And some music, at least occasionally, other than Diana Krall and Dire Straits...
Andrew Quint
Senior Writer
The Absolute Sound
Thank you! Means a lot coming from you.
Wish I had "met" Kahneman earlier in my life, like you. But better late than never!
I’m a self proclaimed audiophile myself (and musician), but…
I swear these fields went down the crapper in the last years. People have more money to spend and the more money they spend the more knowledgeable they think they are, to a point where they’re not going to hear reason. They’ll equate cost to quality and marketing to science.
I’m guilty of some of it myself, but I’d like to draw a line at one point. Diminishing returns really are a thing, as are room acoustics. A €2000 cable will not fix a poor room.
All this to say I enjoyed this post 😅
"more money they spend the more knowledgeable they think they are", this is a very piercing observation.
Yes! something I hope to write something about this as well in this series.
Also, had a shocking experience recently that told me room acoustics is not 50% but perhaps 90% of the system's sound. More on that coming soon too.
Looking forward to reading your next pieces!
It's always fun to read your journey. Keep writing
Hello Bhaskar
I could be wrong but I believe it's you who's been mixing it up with the owner and some frequent posters over at the Audiophile Style web site. If so, I'm very pleased (I'd say "proud" but it sounds patronizing....) with what you had to say and how you handled yourself generally. AS has good features and bad but they epitomize what's wrong with online communities of any kind, and audio sites specifically. The zealots on these sites—they can have 1000s of posts each—are focused on who's on their team and who isn't and that's what determines how you're treated—respectfully, scornfully, acusingly, inconsiderately...The list goes on.
For the record: Yes, that was a racist remark and a few honorable rang into object. They were ignored by the ruling claque.
All by way of saying: I hope that visitors here are enthusiasts and not zealots. I know you're among the first-mentioned group.....
Andrew Quint
Hi Andrew, I think it's someone else, I am not a member of AS. I never liked that community, it is one of the few audio sites that I am not a member of, and -- given your current comment -- looks like that was a good decision.
My mistake, Bhaskar. The poor guy that innocently engaged with AS calls himself Audio_phool and is based in India. I'm very glad it's not you - yes, your judgement was spot-on. Because the fraternity of audiophiles isn't that large, we sometimes do take chances, in terms of reaching out to people and communities we don't know. Sometimes you get burned. My 30 years in the "industry"—I started writing for TAS in 1995—is a gift. I've met many audiophiles I like and trust and new connections are, I guess what you call vetted. But I still occasionally take a chance, as I did when I started following you. Sometimes it works out.
Interesting considerations re: connectivity in a modern world. So different from my own as a young person. And unimaginably different from the experience of my parents and grandparents.